Budget Impasse Advocacy Letter

This is a sample letter that can be used to advocate for the support of art education initiatives and funding and resolution of the budget impasse.

If you would like to copy Unit 5 on your correspondence, please send to district@unit5.org


Honorable [insert first & last name]

[Insert Date]

 Dear Senator or Representative [insert last name]:

It is with deep concern that I contact you as a constituent in your district asking you to address the state budget impasse. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I am looking forward to hearing more about your priorities for our state.

Governor Rauner claims in his State of the State address that his “passion [is] to make Illinois schools the best in the nation.” If he, as he said, is truly committed to “significantly [increasing] state support for education, … so we can provide high quality classrooms in every community, without taking money away from any other districts,” it is critical for the budget to be resolved and the state to pay the school districts the money that they are owed.

The Network for Public Education gave Illinois a D in school finance and an overall state grade of a D (1.83 GPA) in 2015.

Our school district administrators have worked to stretch the dollars they do have to provide a quality education for our children, but the budget impasse is making their task nearly impossible. Without the funding promised, our students are suffering with overcrowded classrooms, continuing cuts to programming and reduction in quality teachers to educate them.

The current situation is inexcusable. I hope that we can count on you to support fully funding our public education and to resolve the budget crisis now. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much for your service.



[Your Name]
[Your Address]